English for Medical Assistants
A different way to learn English
Patientengespräche im Praxis- oder Klinikalltag
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Talking with patients in English can be a challenge! This seminar aims at developing special language skills between medical assistant and patient and focuses on useful phrases and terms.
Target group
medizinisches Fachpersonal (Ordinationsassistentinnen, Krankenschwestern, Krankenpfleger, Stationssekretärinnen,etc.) Hauptschulniveau in Englisch erforderlich
Developing vocabulary and phrases for conversations with patients
Arranging appointments
Asking for health care details and giving information
Role plays for practicing, feedback from trainer and grammar on demand
A mix of theory- inputs, interactive role plays and supporting feedback
Ilse Klonner, Dipl. Päd.
Sprachinstitut Top Training e. U.
Sprach- und Kommunikationscoach; Lektorin PHOÖ und FHOÖ